47 Votes
Anthony Ball (Beech Grove) 29 points and ten rebounds against Roncalli and 22 points vs. Franklin.
100 Votes
Reggie Bass (Tech) 31 points in a win over Cathedral
10 Votes
Markus Burton (Penn) 41 points and eight rebounds in a win over South Bend Clay
5 Votes
Tayshawn Comer (Cathedral) 29 points in a loss to Tech
10 Votes
Ryan Conwell (Pike) 32 points and nine rebounds in a win over Lawrence Central
7 Votes
Austin Cripe (West Noble) 23 points, five steals, and four rebounds in a loss to Central Noble
28 Votes
Zane Doughty (Ben Davis) 12 points, 14 rebounds, and eight blocks vs. Brownsburg; 18 rebounds & five blocks vs. Warren Central
175 Votes
Travis Grayson (Chesterton) 23 points and three assists in a win over Homestead
8 Votes
Jalen Jackson (Northrop) 43 points against Leo
8 Votes
Tae Johnson (North Side) 30 points, 21 rebounds, and seven assists in a win over Snider
81 Votes
Tre Johnson (Daleville) 35 points and eight rebounds in a win over Wes-Dale
41 Votes
Evan Kretz (Western) 28 points and ten rebounds against Hamilton Heights
19 Votes
Aidan Lambert (Snider) 51 points, including eight threes, and nine rebounds against Merrillville
6 Votes
Lucas Mitchell (Waldron) 37 points and 15 rebounds against Southwestern
6 Votes
Jaylen Mullen (North Daviess) 19 points in a thrilling win over Hammond Central
5 Votes
Jeff Simmons (Fishers) 29 points in an overtime win against Hamilton Southeastern
8 Votes
Trent Sisley (Heritage Hills) 27 points and 12 rebounds against Crawford County